Chris Mayes

Deploying the Blog

That was pretty easy! Zola is a solid choice for static site generation.

The main things I had to figure out were getting the configuration straight and the overrides in place. If you're doing it right, you won't modify anything under the "themes" directory tree. If you want to override something, make a copy of the theme's file in a mirrored section of your project and modify the file there. For instance, I wanted to make a few changes to the index template, so I copied themes/papaya/templates/index.html to templates/index.html and made my changes there.

I have, in fact, made the theme's git repository a "submodule" of my website's repository. I can't think of the last time I did that... IDEA was a bit wonky about handling the submodule, but it eventually caught on. It'll be handy to be able to pull any theme updates directly from the repository.

I also grabbed a weather icon for the site's favicon because I like it when websites have a nice and/or memorable favicon. I thought about adding a search bar, but I like the uncluttered layout that the Papaya theme has, so I'm going to skip search for now. Should I write enough to warrant a search, it'll be pretty simple to add.

Creating the build and deployment pipeline in Cloudflare Pages was simple and smooth. Wiring up to this site's Github repository was easy and smooth. The first deployment attempt timed out, but it went off without a hitch the second time around. Subsequent changes to the project's release branch triggered new pipeline runs almost immediately. The DNS integration with my hosted domain was seamless (as one might expect from Cloudflare).

I am very pleased.